Wedding Ceremony Styles

We do a variety of wedding ceremony styles, no matter what style of ceremony you would like we can pretty much do it. From a simple ceremony to a religious or cultural ceremony. Our skilled team of Wedding Officiants will make your ceremony just how you desire. Just tell us what you want, what you really really want.

“WOAH! What can I say about our experience …. How about super amazing and intimate and beautiful and very professional and fun!”                                  Source: Mariah – WEDDING WIRE

Civil Ceremonies

We do amazing civil ceremonies. Vows, I Do’s Rings and the Kiss

Christian Ceremonies

We can incorporate Christian blessing and bible verses into the ceremony 

Catholic Ceremonies

We can incorporate Catholic customs in the ceremony and give you an amazing blessing

Hawaiian Ceremonies

Let’s bring the island feel into your ceremony. Say Aloha. Incorporate lea exchanges and feel the spirit of the islands

Interfaith Ceremonies

No matter what faith you share we can make your ceremony an amazing mix of your beliefs.

Jewish Ceremonies

Shalom Aleichem .You can incorporate various Jewish blessing into the ceremony. End with the glass crush. Mazel Tov!

Themed Weddings

Elvis, Star Wars. Harry Potter. Celebrate your Inner Geek. We love Doing Themed weddings

Hindu Weddings

Our Modern Hindu Fusion Style Ceremony can incorporate prayers, the garland exchange, all the way to the Seven Steps

Same Sex Weddings

LGBTQ Friendly Chapel. We Honor all couples. Love is Love and all adult couples who wish to be married are welcome. 

Bilingual Ceremonies

We have Officiants who speak Spanish,Chinese, Japanese, Tagalog, VIetnamese, German, Russian, Sanskrit, Hindi

Filipino Ceremonies

We love our Filipino Couples. We can add the Cord Veil and Coins to your ceremony to make it just like back home.

Fun Ceremonies

Matter How quirky you are we have the ceremony for you. Just ask us and I am sure we can make it happen.

Vow Renewals

Re-invigorate your marriage by Renewing your Vows at our Wedding Chapels. Show your spouse how much you love them by celebrating your special anniversary.

Quick Elopements

So you just want to get married easily. It is so simple. You come in, get your marriage license, and say I do and you are married!

Want some ideas for your ceremony?

Visit Our Main Wedding Website for Ceremony Samples and  Wedding Ceremony Add-ins  to make your Ceremony Awesome

It is so simple to book. Once you decide when you want to get married here fill out the availability request form. 

Once we confirm the time then fill out the Marriage license Application (unless you already have yours).

Then make the payment.

Visit our Main website 

Check out our Wedding Chapel