Yes!! We issue Marriage Licenses
Apply for your Marriage License here
Your Marriage License is basically the County Clerk and the State giving you permission to get married. Once you get the license then you can have your Wedding Ceremony.
We are authorized agents of the County Clerk’s office to issue you a Confidential Marriage License
Fill out the application below to start the process

So you want to get a Marriage License?
Got Questions??
Click on the tabs below so you are properly prepared to get your Marriage License
First you must qualify for the first 3 conditions
- You MUST have a Current and Valid ID (see tab for ID Requirements)
- If you were married in the last 2 years you must provide a copy of your disolution (must have court stamp and final dissolution date on the document)
- You must state that you live together (we don’t ask for proof)
If you have all 3 lets continue.
If you don’t you will have to contact the county clerk and try to get it from them.
You both MUST appear TOGETHER at our office.
Both MUST be over 18. (If under 18 contact the County)
NO Blood Tests are required. (that was required more than 20 years ago)
There is NO residence or citizenship status requirement.
You DO NOT need to live in California, Los Angeles or the United States to obtain a marriage license.
Anyone from Anywhere in the world with proper valid Identification can get married in California.
Each Person Must bring ONE (1) of the following identity documents:
Acceptable Forms of Identification for Marriage License must have: Photograph and Birth Date
- State Driver’s License or State Identification Card.
Note: In California, this card is used by the Department of Motor Vehicles. Identification cards issued by other states may be issued by an agency or department other than their Department of Motor Vehicles. - Military Service ID (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard) or Military Dependent Identification Card
- International Driver License
- Any Country Driver’s License or Identification Card. Note: If ID does not have date of birth, request birth certificate (Translated/Notarized, if required)
- Passport or Passport Card (US).
a) If passport is not in English, translation is required and must be notarized.
b) If Passport expired but Visa is valid, it is still NOT acceptable - Permanent Registration Alien Card and Certificate of Naturalization. (Border Crossing Card is NOT acceptable)
- Matricula Consular: for Argentina, Mexico, Peru, and Korea do not require a Birth Certificate
- Consular Card: for other countries will require a birth certificate. (Translated/Notarized required, if not in English) **
**Will be acceptable only if all of required information is on card, such as date of birth and picture. If required, we have a translation service that we use for the birth certificates. The additional fee is $100 and must be paid up front. We will then send the birth certificate for translation, which takes about 1 week. it is needed sooner a rush fee will be assessed. We will notify you when the translation is complete.
We will be issuing you the Confidential Marriage License.
So what is the difference between a Public Marriage License and a Confidential Marriage License. Let me break down the difference between the two so you can make an educated choice.
First off both public and confidential marriage licenses have the same effect, you’re married! They’re both just as legal and enforceable for any use and need. Both can be issued by the County Clerks Office in any county in California.
Confidential Marriage License
(the ones we issue)
A Confidential Marriage License requires NO witnesses to sign the license. Only the Officiant and the couple will be signing the document. The marriage license is recorded but is only accessible by the couple. No one else can go down to the county or do a record search and find that document. Yaaaa!!
These days with identity theft issues we recommend getting a confidential marriage license to our couples.
Public Marriage License
A public marriage license requires one or two witnesses to sign the marriage license. The license is recorded and made a matter of public record. Once it’s recorded ANYONE can get a copy; You, your friends, your family, your employers, every telemarketer, and Chester the Identity Thief can get a copy. Since it is a matter of public record it is exactly that.
Our Specialized Notaries
Great Officiants has several specialized notaries on the team. They can issue marriage licenses to couples who are getting married anywhere in California. it can be delivered anywhere in the state or it can be issued at our Long Beach facility.
To apply for your Marriage License through us simply go to the application
If you want to change your name to a new married name after your wedding it is very simple to do so. Just follow the directions below.
Here are the rules put together by the State and County to create a new name on your MARRIAGE LICENSE
You DO NOT have to change your name if you don’t want to.
If you want to change your name the information below will give you the options that the County Clerk allows:
- One or both parties to a marriage may elect to change the MIDDLE or LAST NAMES by which that party wishes to be known after the wedding.
- Changing one’s name through the marriage license process can ONLY be done at the time the marriage license is issued by the County Clerk or authorized Notary Public. You may not ammend it afterwards so make sure you choose your new name wisely.
- Note you may NOT change your FIRST NAME with this process only your MIDDLE AND LAST NAMES
Each party to the marriage may adopt any of the following LAST NAMES:
- The current last name of the other spouse.
- The last name of either spouse given at birth.
- A name combining into a single last name all or a segment of the current last name or the last name of either spouse given at birth.
- A hyphenated combination of last names.
Each party to the marriage may adopt any of the following MIDDLE NAMES:
- The current last name of either spouse.
- The last name of either spouse given at birth.
- A hyphenated combination of the current middle name and the current last name of the person or spouse.
- A hyphenated combination of the current middle name and the birth last name of the person or spouse.
The marriage certificate is used by multiple local, state, federal and private agencies, each of which have different rules and/or regulations regarding what documents are acceptable to change your name on their records following marriage. It is recommended that you contact these agencies to verify their requirements prior to applying for your marriage license.
It is unlawful for our employees to answer questions of a legal nature. Our staff cannot advise you how to complete the marriage license application as it relates to your entry of a new name or retention of your former name on the marriage license application. For your protection, if you have any questions regarding whether you should or should not list your new name on the marriage license application, and/or how the Name Equality Act of 2007 may affect you, please consult an attorney prior to applying for your marriage license.
When we issue you the Marriage License we will also prepare the request for copies form and a notarized certificate of identity which we will send in the the license.
Each copy you order is $15 and most couples order 2.
The county will record the Marriage License and mail the certified copies to you in 4 to 8 weeks.
Fill out the Marriage License Application Here
Please put your Mothers MAIDEN NAME not her married name.
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It is so simple to book. Once you decide when you want to get married here fill out the availability request form.
Once we confirm the time then fill out the Marriage license Application (unless you already have yours).
Then make the payment.
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